- Shanghai Million Chemical Limited
- Основные продукты: Триазинтриаминогексанова кислота , Водорастворимый ингибитор коррозии , Полиэфир рициноловой кислоты , Алюминиевый фосфатный ингибитор коррозии , Самоэмульгирующийся эфир , Биоцид MBO 3 3 - метиленбис - 5 - метилоксазолидин , Биоцид MBM , Антиржавчинка трикарбоновая кислота , Биоцид IPBC30 3 - иодо - 2 - пропинилбутилкарбамат , Полимерный эфир , Биоцид MEA - триазин BK , Добавки для металлообрабатывающих жидкостей , Биоцид BIT20 , Биоцид BBIT20 , PIBSA
Главная > Новости компании > ISO9001:2015 quality management system certification
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Congratulations: In December 1st 2020, Shanghai Million Chemical Limited' s manufacturer , Shanghai Hollly Chemical Limited, got the ISO9001:2015 quality management system certification regarding the production of corrosion inhibitor tribasic carboxylic acid (CAS: 80584-91-4), metalworking fluids additive and compounds.
2020 is a tough year, Million Chemical never forgot the original aspirations, we worked hard, improved the production processes, upgraded the equipment, organized staff training, developed new products. In the last month of 2020, the ISO9001: 2015 quality management system certification was finally obtained, which was the best proof to the hard work of all the employees in Million Chemical.
In the following days, Million Chemical will adhere to the quality policy of "high quality and efficiency, compliance with promises, customer first, continuous improvement, and excellence", continue to provide quality products to customers.
For more information, please reach out to us: